Jim Fitzpatrick, head of Santa Barbara Montessori School sent out this message:
Dr. Steven Hughes in Atlanta 23 months ago challenged us to create an 'elevator speech.'
Now, here in SB, a local newspaper, print and digital version, has a space listing for each school if you advertise--you know the drill-- advertise and you get "100 Words" to describe your program.
Here's SBMS's most recent "100 Words;" they result from two parents collaborating last night after a conversation before a fundraising meeting. Here's what they came up with:
Do you want your child to be an independent thinker, able to solve new challenges, with a life-long passion for learning? At SBMS, we foster children’s natural curiosity of the world around them. Through practical hands-on activities children gain a deep, comprehensive understanding of language, math, history, geography, all sciences, the arts, and more. Our children’s learning experience allows them to excel in their further academic careers and become the creative, entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow.
Now I say:
Take the challenge. Send me your 100 word description. Describe what? Look at it from a parent's perspective: what does your child get out of the experience?
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